THE COW: An Unbeliever's Journey Through The Quran's Longest Chapter (with a few side trips, to complete the picture)


Chapter 31: A Few Parables, Charity and Financial Jihad: Part 3 – Muhammad Wins More Immunity


Muhammad Wins More Immunity

2:272 “It is not incumbent on you to guide them in the right way, but Allah guides aright whom He pleases. And whatever good thing you spend, it is to your own good, and do not spend but to seek Allah’s face. And whatever good things you spend shall be paid back to you in full, and you shall not be exploited.”
The first sentence reaffirms the Islamic doctrine expressed in the Quran frequently, that only Allah has the power to make people follow the true path. So while Muhammad may preach as much as he wants, or as much as he is instructed to by Allah, the outcome in terms of number of souls procured depends on Allah’s will, and Allah’s will alone.
In the first sentence, Allah is speaking to Muhammad. The rest is Allah or Muhammad speaking to the Believers. I do not see any link between the two parts of this verse, which express two different and unrelated ideas, but that’s not new.

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